Economical option for facade upgrade thanks to industrial coating
Oyster Point
South San Francisco
Two large multi-story campus buildings in South San Francisco’s biotech corridor were undergoing facade renovations.
Working in concert with our sister company, Urban Waterproofing, we handled the metal panel and window painting scope to to provide an attractive and long lasting upgrade to the faded windows and metal panels around the building.
When we were done, over 7,500 sf of metal surfaces were hand ground, cleaned, primed, and topcoated.

What We Did
Stripped and painted over 1300 windows and metal panels
Stripped and coated over 7500 sf of metal panels and windows
Applied a prime coat of Tnemec Chembuild 135 primer and a topcoat of Tnemec Series 1071 Flouronar industrial coating
Project Details
Coating metal surfaces can typically take two routes: coat over what's there or completely strip the coating and start fresh. While coating over the existing provides a great-looking finish, even with thorough prep, we’re only as good as what we’re sticking to. Poorly prepared existing coatings can eventually fail, taking the new coating with it. Either stripping or grinding the existing coating down to bare metal and coming back with an industrial-grade finish ensures the new system, especially the base coat, will last for the long term with periodic maintenance.
We worked closely with our waterproofing counterpart to share the swing stages to access the windows and metal panels on two multi-story office buildings at Oyster Point. In order to guarantee the best adhesion of the new coating on the windows and panels, the exciting coating had to be stripped off. We tried a chemical stripper, but it wasn’t aggressive enough, so we ended up using grinders and sanding discs. Grueling work for sure, but it created the perfect substrate for the new industrial finish from Tnemec that was specified.
All in all, over 7,500 sf of metal surfaces were hand ground, cleaned, primed, and topcoated with Tnemec Fluoropolymer 1071. With the investment in this system, the Owner is guaranteed a premium coating with a factory-grade base that will last for many years.
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