Two blocks of townhomes run like clockwork
Parc Metropolitan
This first phase of a massive townhome complex in Milpitas was due for coating to stay within the paint cycle. The key here was keeping a crew of 15-20 all working together to maintain phasing goals and a schedule. On large projects like this, Urban mobilizes specialty crews, who perform the same task for the whole project. There is the wash crew, the prep and masking crew, the spray and coating crew, and the touchup crew. All work together and in sequence to keep the project on schedule.
Large projects like this count on the steady hand of the foreman, who, on projects of this size, is often a “walking foreman”, and rarely picks up a brush. That’s fine; if he or she is keeping all the specialty crews on track and working safely, then they are doing their job.

What We Did
Applied coatings to almost 1 million sf of masonry, 75,000 sf of wood, and 35,000 sf of metal
Painted almost 385 units
Project Details
After site-specific safety mapouts are held, the building scheduled for work is “safed off”, using notices, signs, and caution tape to let everyone know where we will be working and keeping the public out of the work area. These are homes, so we have to make accommodations for people coming and going safely.
All buildings started with a thorough pressure wash and cleaning prior to painting. We use Krud Kutter for areas of heavy dirt buildup to make sure all surfaces are clean and ready for paint. Next, the surfaces are checked for any loose coating on any surfaces scheduled for painting. Any paint that appears loose is removed with scrapers until the surface is completely sound and paint-ready.
Surfaces and areas not scheduled for painting get masked, or a variety of dropcloths are used to protect cars, landscaping windows, and walking surfaces.
Caulking that needs replacing is removed and replaced, and any bare substrates are spot-primed with an appropriate primer. Cracks are holes in the stucco that are patched and primed to make sure the substrate is structurally sound.
With the substrate ready, the spray crew lands and sprays the finish coat, backrolling to make sure we get good penetration into the substrate. With the walls coated, the trim crew falls in and coats and accents the wood trim and metal rails, etc.
This scope was performed on almost 385 units.
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