Two city blocks transformed.
The Beacon
San Francisco
The Beacon is comprised of two large, identical buildings spanning two blocks on the edge of SFs SOMA district. After many years in the making, a design and color scheme were approved and ready for installation. While we do large highrise projects on a regular basis, they always keep the team on their toes to make sure everything is run as safely as possible and the Ownership and occupants know where we are and where we’re going next.
Painting is the easy part on large projects where we are hanging on the side of the building and doing our work over busy commercial and residential areas. Safety and communication are critical to making sure everyone knows what to expect and, on a site this large, where everyone is. Our foreman has to manage a crew of 15 or more, spread out over a large area. If someone calls in with a problem, we need to be able to act quickly to resolve it. We also need to be able to provide answers and results for the Ownership team, which has to answer to their many stakeholders.

What We Did
Phase 1: Applied over 12,000 gallons of material to nearly 250,000 sf of coated surfaces
Each building consists of nearly 60 swing stage drops
Almost 1,100 running feet of busy pedestrian sidewalk on each building to protect
Coated steel beams at rooftop mechanical penthouses with industrial coating
Project Details
With a rigging plan in place and notices sent to impacted residents and commercial spaces, work began on the massive coating project. Swing stages were installed on the first four drops, and all walls were thoroughly washed and prepped, including any caulking that needed to be replaced to get the building paint ready. After ground protection was installed, we began to apply the Vista Paints 1900 WeatherMaster high-build acrylic coating. The texture of the stucco finish was extremely coarse, and we needed to employ thick roller covers to get good penetration. With thicker covers, and the usual window that picks up in that part of the city, and the height we were working at, meant we had to roll very slowly to minimize paint drips going where we didn’t want them.
In addition to the stucco wall coating, the scope includes prepping and painting the ground-level metal storefront windows and adjacent metal panels with the Vista Paints PolyTec industrial metal coating system. On those same panels, the bottom ten feet were coated with VandleGaurd’s clear anti-graffiti coating.
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